101st Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique (JLG)
Published on Thursday June 02, 2022
Many thanks to all participants for a great workshop!
For the JLG participants: The abstract volume as well as the presentations of the meeting can also be downloaded here.

Scope of the workshop
After a 2-years break imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology (ECGS) was pleased to organise the 101st edition of its meeting series Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique (JLG), held from 5 to 7 September 2022 in Luxembourg. The JLG are intended to serve as a platform for scientists throughout the various disciplines of the Earth Sciences to meet and discuss in a rather informal setting in order to foster the international collaboration.
This 101st edition of the JLG was dedicated to the subject of Intracontinental basaltic volcanic fields and was co-organized between the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and ECGS. In western Europe, two such significant volcanic systems, the Eifel Volcanic Field (EVF) in Germany and the Massif Central in France, are presently considered active, although none of them has erupted in historical times. In particular in the EVF, signs of unrest such as earthquakes typical for volcanic environments and significant surface uplift have been detected in recent years. These observations raise important questions on the underlying processes and potential consequences, highlighting the need for an in-depth study of these systems.
The 101st JLG meeting placed itself in the context of the major scientific initiative led by the MAARE consortium in Germany. While the focus region of the meeting will therefore naturally be the near-by Eifel Volcanic Field (EVF), the meeting aimed at fostering a holistic view on this type of volcanic systems in general, including all relevant disciplines such as geophysics, volcanology, geodesy, geochemistry, geochronology, geology, petrology, etc. Therefore, contributions on all target regions that provide insight into intracontinental volcanic fields, such as the Massif Central in France, were warmly welcome.
- Conveners:
- Torsten Dahm (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)
- Adrien Oth (ECGS)
- Christoph Sens-Schönfelder (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)
- Julien Barrière (ECGS)
- Axel Schmitt (University of Heidelberg)
- Local Organising Committee (ECGS):
- Adrien Oth
- Marie-Jo Maciel
- Corine Galassi
- Julien Barrière
- Delphine Smittarello
- Gilles Celli
Venue and Practical Aspects
The meeting was held from 5 to 7 September 2022 at the Alvisse Parc Hotel Luxembourg (www.parc-hotel.lu). The number of participants were limited and registration is on invitation only.
Registration was free of charge and included:
- Three nights’ accommodation (Sunday to Wednesday) at the Alvisse Park Hotel, incl. breakfast
- Icebreaker on Sunday, 4 September
- Coffee breaks & lunches during the meeting (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
- Conference dinner on Tuesday evening
- Conference materials
Please note that any extras at the hotel (phone, mini bar, …) are at the charge of the participants.
Maximum poster wall dimensions: 1.40 m height x 1.10 m width, portrait format.
Oral presentations were given time slots of 20 min (15 min + 5 min discussion).
Program Overview (Details in PDF downloadable here below)
Download the Scientific Program as a PDF document.
Sunday 04.09.2022
- Arrival of participants
- Icebreaker
Monday 05.09.2022 — Status & research questions on the Eifel and basaltic volcanic fields in general
- Morning
- Welcome by GFZ/ECGS representatives
- Short introduction to the JLG and practical information
- State and evolution of transcrustal magmatic reservoirs at different depths
- Migration of magmatic fluids and triggering of reservoir unrest
- Afternoon
- Spatio-temporal control of volcanism in low-flux systems
- Multi-scale monitoring of volcanic fields and precursory signals
Tuesday 06.09.2022 — Ideas – Experimental approach and research visions
- Morning
- Joining forces between disciplines: geophysics, geochemistry, volcanology and moreEifel
- Large-N experiment: methods, data and aims
- Proposal ideas
- Afternoon — Think tank working groups A-C
- A. SWOT of an ICDP drilling project / workshop proposal — go or not-to-go?
- B. Large-N Seismology: maximal output with minimal funds — how to reach?
- C. A distributed, integrated Eifel Volcano Observatory — how to construct?
- Evening — Social evening & meeting dinner
Wednesday 07.09.2022 — Conclude
- Morning
- Report and plenary discussion of outcomes from working groups A-C
- Invited talk by Giuseppe De Natale (INGV): The Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project: Advancing volcanological research despite fake news of an apocalypse
For More Information
Please contact:
Ms Marie-Jo Maciel, ECGS secretary
19 rue Josy Welter
L-7256 Walferdange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Tel: +352 33.14.87-1
Fax: +352 33.14.87-88