Delphine Smittarello

Published on Wednesday March 03, 2021

Research interests

My research activities are dealing with ground displacement datasets in volcanic context. Combining SAR, InSAR and GNSS, I track magma transport in volcanic edifices. I’m also interested in analog and numerical models of magma propagation.

Professional Experience

  • 2022- Present Researcher, ECGS, Luxembourg
  • 2020-2022 Post-doctoral researcher, ECGS, Luxembourg
  • 2016-2019 PhD researcher, ISTerre, Chambéry, France
  • 2015 Master’s research Internship, IPG, Paris, France


  • 2016-2019 PhD in Geophysics, University Savoie Mont-Blanc (ISTerre), Chambéry, France
  • 2012-2016 Student at l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, Geosciences Department, Paris, France
  • 2013-2015 Msc in Earth, Environement and Planets Sciences University of Paris VII, France
  • 2012-2013 Bsc in Earth Sciences University of Paris VI, France

Peer-reviewed journal publications


  • 12. Smittarello, D., B. Smets, J. Barrière, C. Michellier, A. Oth, T. Shreve, R. Grandin, N. Theys, H. Brenot, V. Cayol, P. Allard, C. Caudron, O. Chevrel, F. Darchambeau, P. de Buyl, L. Delhaye, D. Derauw, G. Ganci, H. Geirsson, E. Kamate Kaleghetso, J. Kambale Makundi, I. Kambale Nguomoja, C. Kasereka Mahinda, M. Kervyn, C. Kimanuka Ruriho, H. Le Mével, S. Molendijk, O. Namur, S. Poppe, M. Schmid, J. Subira, C. Wauthier, M. Yalire, N. d’Oreye, F. Kervyn and A. Syavulisembo Muhindo (2022). Precursor-free eruption triggered by edifice rupture at Nyiragongo volcano. Nature, doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05047-8 (open access).
  • 11. Barrière, J ., d’Oreye, N., Smets, B., Oth, A., Delhaye, L., Subira, J., Derauw D.,Smittarello D., Muhindo Syavulisembo A., Kervyn F. (2022). On the origins of intracrateral eruption dynamics at Nyiragongo volcano (D.R. Congo) in the period 2002-2021. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth doi :10.1029/2021JB023858.
  • 10. Pinel, V., Furst, S., Maccaferri, F., & Smittarello, D. (2022). Buoyancy Versus Local Stress Field Control on the Velocity of Magma Propagation: Insight From Analog and Numerical Modelling. Front. Earth Sci, 10, 838318.
  • 9. Smittarello, D., d’Oreye, N., Jaspard, M., Derauw, D., & Samsonov, S. (2022). Pair Selection Optimization for InSAR Time Series Processing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2021JB022825.


  • 8. Shreve, T., Grandin, R., Smittarello, D., Cayol, V., Pinel, V., Boichu, M., Morishita, Y. (2021). What triggers caldera ring-fault subsidence at Ambrym volcano? Insights from the 2015 dike intrusion and eruption. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
  • 7. Smittarello, D. , Pinel, V., Maccaferri, F., Furst, S., Rivalta, E. Cayol, V., (2021) Characterizing the physical properties of gelatin, a classic analog for the brittle elastic crust, insight from numerical modeling. Tectonophysics doi :10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228901.


  • 6. Smittarello, D. (2019). Propagation des intrusions basaltiques. Modélisation analogique et suivi temporel par inversion des données de déplacements (Doctoral dissertation, Université Grenoble Alpes).
  • 5. Smittarello, D. , Cayol, V., Pinel, V., Froger, J-L., Peltier, A., & Dumont, Q. (2019). Combining InSAR and GNSS to track magma transport at basaltic volcanoes. Remote Sensing
  • 4. Froger, J.-L. , Pinel, V. , Bato, G. , Tridon, M., Smittarello, D. , Prival, J.M., Hrysiewicz, A. , Cayol, V., and Guehenneux, Y. (2019) Apport des données SAR à la compréhension et à la surveillance des volcans : exemple du Piton de la Fournaise. Revue de la Société Française de Photogrammétrie et de Teledetection, 219-220
  • 3. Maccaferri, F., Smittarello, D. , Pinel, V. and Cayol, V. (2019). On the propagation path of magma-lled dikes and hydrofractures : the competition betwenn external stress, internal pressure and crack length. Geochemistry, Geophysics,Geosystems,.
  • 2. Smittarello, D. , Cayol, V., Pinel, V.,Peltier, A., Froger, J-L., & Ferrazzini, V. (2019). Magma propagation at Piton de la Fournaise from joint inversion of InSAR and GNSS. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, 124.


  • 1. Smittarello, D. , Grandin, R., De Chabalier, J. B., Doubre, C., Deprez, A., Masson, F., Socquet, A. and Saad,I. A. (2016). Transient deformation in the AsalGhoubbet Rift (Djibouti) since the 1978 diking event : Is deformation controlled by magma supply rates ?. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, 121(8), 6030-6052.



  • 37. Smittarello, D., d’Oreye, N., Grandin, R., Cayol, V., Smets, B., Barrière, J., Shreve, T., Derauw, D., Froger, J.-L., Geirsson, H., Wauthier, C., Theys, N., Brenot, H., Michellier, C., Oth, A., Muhindo Syavulisembo, A., Kervyn, F. An unpredictable eruption ? The mechanism behind the Nyiragongo 2021 eruption. G2 2022, Grenoble, France, November 2022.
  • 36. Smets, B., Barrière, J., d’Oreye, N., Delhaye, L., Oth, A., Subira, J., Mashagiro, N., Derauw, D., Smittarello, D., Muhindo Syavulisembo, A., Kervyn, F. Evolution of Nyiragongo’s main crater from 2002 to 2021 using photogrammetry and SAR-shadow measurements. MDIS, Ax-Les-Thermes, France, October 2022
  • 35. d’Oreye, N., … Smittarello, D., … The MasTer Toolbox,  MDIS, Ax-Les-Thermes, France, October 2022
  • 34. Hopquin, C., Smittarello, D., Gayer, E., Michon, L., Lucas, A., Dynamics and controls of the Grand Éboulis landslide (La Réunion island) measured by radar interferometry. MDIS, Ax-Les-Thermes, France, October 2022
  • 33. Smittarello, D., Shreve, T., Grandin, R., Cayol, V., Derauw, D., Wauthier, C., Froger, J.-L., Smets, B., Barrière, J., Oth, A., Michellier, C., Geirsson, H., Theys, N., Brenot, H., d’Oreye, N., Muhindo Syavulisembo, A., Kervyn, F. What did we learn from SAR data during the May 2021 Nyiragongo eruption ? MDIS, Ax-Les-Thermes, France, October 2022 (
  • 32. Smittarello, D., Barrière, J., Smets, B.,….A multidisciplinary study of the May 2021 Nyiragongo eruption. 101th JLG, Luxembourg, September 2022
  • 31. Smittarello, D., Barrière, J., Smets, B.,…Propagation and arrest of the dike during the May 2021 eruption of Nyiragongo volcano, Cities on Volcanoes 11, Hieraklion, June 2022
  • 30. Muhindo Syavulisembo, A., d’Oreye, N., Michellier, C., Oth, A., Smets, B., Smittarello, D., Kervyn F.The challenging crisis management during the Nyiragongo 22nd May 2021 eruption (D. R. Congo), Cities on Volcanoes 11, Hieraklion, June 2022
  • 29. Barrière, J., d’Oreye, N., Smets, B., Oth, A., Delhaye, L., Subira, J., Mashagiro, N., Derauw, D., Smittarello, D., Muhindo Syavulisembo, A., Kervyn, F. On the origins of intracrateral eruption dynamics at Nyiragongo volcano (D.R. Congo) in the period 2002-2021, Cities on Volcanoes 11, Hieraklion, June 2022
  • 28. Smittarello, D., Barrière, J., d’Oreye, N., … Challenges from structural failure and shallow dike intrusion at Nyiragongo. Cities on Volcanoes 11, Hieraklion, June 2022.
  • 27. Smittarello, D., Barrière, J., d’Oreye, N., … Structural failure and shallow dike intrusion at Nyiragongo volcano (D.R Congo). EGU General Assembly 2022


  • 26. Smittarello, D., Barrière, J., d’Oreye, N.,… Propagation and arrest of the May 2021 lateral dike intrusion at Nyiragongo (D.R. Congo). Abstract , Fall Meeting AGU., New Orleans, Florida, USA, December 2021.
  • 25. Barrière, J., d’Oreye, N., Smets, B.,…Smittarello, D.,… On the origins of intracrateral eruption dynamics at Nyiragongo volcano in the period 2002-2021. Abstract , Fall Meeting AGU., New Orleans, Florida, USA, December 2021.
  • 24. Smets, B., Barrière, J., …, Smittarello, D.,… Flank failure at open-vent volcanoes: lessons learned from Nyiragongo volcano, Democratic Republic of CongoAbstract , Fall Meeting AGU., New Orleans, Florida, USA, December 2021.
  • 23. Smets, B., Barrière, J., …, Smittarello, D.,… The May 2021 Flank Eruption of Nyiragongo Volcano, Democratic Republic of Congo, Geologica Belgica., Brussels, Belgium, September 2021
  • 22. d’Oreye, N., Derauw, D., Samsonov, S., Jaspard, M., Smittarello, D. . MasTer : A Full Automatic Multi-Satellite InSAR Mass Processing tool for rapid incremental 2D Groung Deformation Time Series. IGARSS 2021 Brussels
  • 21. Smittarello, D., d’Oreye, N., Derauw, D., Samsonov, S., & Jaspard, M. (2021). A New Optimisation Tool for Automatic InSAR Time Series Processing with MasTer (No. EGU21-410). Copernicus Meetings.


  • 21. Cayol, V., Dabaghi, F., Fukushima, Y., Tridon, M., Smittarello, D. , Bodart, O., Froger, J.-L. DefVolc : Interface and web service for fast computation of volcano displacement, JpGU  AGU., Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan May 2020. (e-Poster)
  • 20. Cayol, V., Smittarello, D. , Pinel, V., Peltier A., Froger J.L. Combining InSAR and GNSS to model magma transport during the May 2016 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion Island) JpGU  AGU., Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan May 2020 (e-Poster)
  • 19. Cayol, V., Dabaghi, F., Fukushima, Y., Tridon, M., Smittarello, D. , Bodart, O., Froger, J.-L. DefVolc : Interface and web service for fast computation of volcano displacement, EGU General Assembly 2020. (chat presentation)


  • 18. Smittarello, D. , Shreve, T. (speaker), Grandin, R., Cayol, V., Pinel, V., Delgado, F., Morishita, Y., Caldera ring-faulting during the 2015 Ambrym dike intrusion and the search for the missing deation source. Abstract , Fall Meeting AGU., San Francisco, California, USA, December 2019. (Poster)
  • 17. Pinel, V. , Smittarello, D. ,Maccaferri, F., Rivalta, E., Cayol, V., Stress eld control on magma path and velocity. Abstract , Fall Meeting AGU., San Francisco, California, USA, December 2019. (Oral)
  • 16. Barnoud A., Cayol V., Gailler L., Smittarello D. , Bodart O., Dumont Q., Hrysiewicz A., Dabaghi F., Froger J.-L., Peltier A., Chevrel O., Roult J., Chaput M., 2019. Towards joint modelling and inversion of surface displacements and microgravimetric temporal variations for the characterization of eruptive sources at the Piton de la Fournaise volcano. 4èmes Rencontres Scientiques et Techniques RESIF 2019, Biarritz (64), France. (Poster)
  • 15. Smittarello, D. , Cayol, V., Pinel, V., Froger, J.-L., Peltier, A., Combining InSAR and GNSS to track magma transport at basaltic volcanoes MDIS Petite Pierre, France, October 2019. (Oral)
  • 14. Barnoud A., Cayol V., Gailler L., Smittarello D. , Bodart O., Dumont Q., Hrysiewicz A., Dabaghi F., Froger J.-L., Peltier A., Chevrel O., Roult J., Chaput M., 2019. Towards joint modelling and inversion of surface displacements and microgravimetric temporal variations for the characterization of eruptive sources at the Piton de la Fournaise volcano. MDIS, La Petite-Pierre (67), France. (Poster)
  • 13. Smittarello, D. , Pinel, V., Maccaferri, F., Cayol V., Velocity variations of a propagating dyke in presence of an external stress field : insights from anallogue models , Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-7404, 2019, EGU General Assembly 2019. (oral)
  • 12. Maccaferri, F., Smittarello, D. , Pinel, V., Cayol V., On the propagation path of hydrofractures and magma-lled dykes : the competition between external stress, internal pressure, and crack length , Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-4009, 2019, EGU General Assembly 2019. (oral)


  • 11. Smittarello D. , Cayol V.(speaker), Pinel V., Peltier A., Froger J. (2018). Propagation of magma associated to Piton de la Fournaise eruptions from joint inversion of InSAR and GNSS data. 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France, Nov., 2018. (invited talk)
  • 10. Maccaferri, F., Smittarello, D. , Pinel, V., On the propagation path of hydrofractures and magma-lled dykes : the competition between external stress, internal pressure, and crack length , Geomod, Barcelona, Oct., 2018 (oral)
  • 9. Smittarello, D. , Cayol, V., Pinel, V,. Peltier, A., Froger, J.-L., Basaltic Magma Propagation : Insight from Inversion of InSAR and GNSS data of the May 2016 Piton de la Fournaise eruption, Wegener, September 2018. (poster)
  • 8. Smittarello, D. , Cayol, V., Pinel, V,. Peltier, A., Froger, J.-L., Basaltic Magma Propagation : Insight from Inversion of InSAR and GNSS data of the May 2016 Piton de la Fournaise eruption, Cities on Volcanoes, Naples, September 2018.(oral)
  • 7. Maccaferri, F., Smittarello, D. , Pinel, V., On the propagation path of hydrofractures and magma-lled dykes : the competition between external stress, internal pressure, and crack length , Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU20188232, 2018, EGU General Assembly 2018. (poster)
  • 6. Smittarello, D. , Cayol, V., Pinel, V,. Peltier, A., Froger, J.-L., Propagation of Basaltic Intrusions : Insight from Inversion of InSAR and GNSS data of the May 2016 Eruption of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion, France). Student Congressional Congress, Autrans, February 2018. (oral)


  • 5. Smittarello, D. , Cayol, V., Pinel, V., Peltier, A., Froger, J.-L., Modeling of Propagation of Basaltic Intrusions : Application to the May 2016 Eruption of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano MDIS Besse en Chandesse, France, October 2017. (poster)
  • 4. Froger, J.-L. , Cayol, V. , Tridon, M., Bato, M. G. , Remy, D. , Chen, Y. , Smittarello D. ,Pinel, V. , Prival, J.-M. , Villeneuve, N. ,Peltier, A., Augier, A., Rivet, S., Guehenneux, Y. . Indian Ocean InSAR Observatory (OI2)  Routine Interferometric Monitoring of a Volcanic Island, the Piton de la Fournaise, Fringe 2017 Workshop. (poster)
  • 3. Smittarello, D. , Cayol, V., Pinel, V,. Peltier, A., Froger, J.-L., Modeling of Propagation of basaltic intrusions : Application to the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano. Student Congressional Congress of ISTerre, la Ferrière d’Allevard, June 2017. (oral)
  • 2. Smittarello, D. , Grandin, R., De Chabalier, J. B., Doubre, C., Deprez, A., Masson, F., Socquet, A. and Saad, I. A.
    (2017). Transient deformation in the AsalGhoubbet Rift (Djibouti) since the 1978 diking event : Is deformation controlled by magma supply rates ? Joint Assembly TSG-VMSG-BGA, Liverpool, Great Britain, January 2017. (poster)


  • 1. Smittarello, D. , Grandin, R., De Chabalier, J. B., Doubre, C., Deprez, A., Masson, F., Socquet, A. and Saad, I. A. Transient deformation in the AsalGhoubbet Rift (Djibouti) since the 1978 diking event : Is deformation controlled by magma supply rates ? Abstract T43G-04, Fall Meeting AGU., San Francisco, California, USA, December 2016. (oral)